Total Eclipse of the Bike (plus Back to School sale, Movie Screening, and Yoga)


Join the Worker-Owners of Baltimore Bicycle Works August 21st at 1:00pm to see the Total Solar Eclipse. This is the first time since 1918 that a solar eclipse will be visible in the States; the next time to view an eclipse like this will be April 8th, 2024! Take the Monday off, grab your bike, and ride with us to Sandy Point State Park, we will provide solar eclipse glasses to wear for this once in a lifetime event! This bike ride will be approximately 60 miles long (30 each way) and be self supported. The current weather prediction has the temperature hovering around 87 degrees. Make sure to bring your own water, snacks, and a lunch for munching! We will be utilizing the Baltimore and Annapolis Trail a Google map will be posted to the Facebook event. This will be a casual pace ride, but any extended physical activity should be planned for.

Later that day at 7:30 we are having a screening of Red Bull’s film, Blood Road.  We will again have popcorn provided by the Charles Theater, but last time people brought beers and snacks to share, and that was great! (Shout out to the person who brought the chocolate covered strawberries).  We will have some limited seating available, but if you want a guaranteed seat BYOLawnchair. Please feel free to read up on the movie and RSVP here.

We are also celebrating all of the students in our community with a Back to School Sale. August 19th-September 2nd take 10% all accessories (lights, locks, racks, baskets, etc.), additionally get 20% off accessories with the purchase of a brand new bicycle, and up to 50% off of select merchandise throughout the store (including some new bicycles)!

Finally, we have our last two yoga classes for our summer series.  Monday, August 14th and Monday, August 28th at 6PM please join us (and our wonderful teacher Tina) to stretch out your tight, cycling muscles. $6, BYOMat, no previous experience necessary.